Coming back to my hometown after about three years spent abroad to get my PhD, I discovered a renovated passion for boardgames, maybe related to the fact that I was willing to spend some quality time with my oldest friends.

Combined with my passion for software and videogames I decided to build up a modest website to keep track of epic game nights. This "thing" developed, almost out of control, in a few months and now we constitute a small community of gamers (La Compagnia dei Castelli di Carta, aka CCC), that ranges from occasional players to more skilled ones. I like to think about this community as friends who love to gather around a table, occupying their minds with adventurous stories, complex puzzles and strategic plans. And the website I created represents a kind of social platform, that aims at connecting people as well as keeping record of hours of play.

For more information, please visit the CCC website and ask me anything you would like to know about this project. My personal hope is that this platform could represent an essential tool for any other group of friends who enjoy playing board games.

If you are new to the hobby, a lot of resources are available online, but I would probably start from here.